What am I talking about, you ask? Bedtime. That one, seven-letter word. This word could be the death of us
It begins with Lil J uttering every excuse in the book:
"I'm hungry."
"I can't sleep."
"They're talking too loud out there and I can't sleep."
"I can't close my eyes." Really?
"I can't sleep."
He even says "I can't sleep" in his sleep {it literally happened ten minutes ago - true story!}.
And if that isn't enough, the boy won't sleep unless Mommy is in bed with him until he drifts off to dreamland. Yes, it's a horrible habit and an even harder habit to break out of. Basically, hubby will look after Baby Z {if she's awake} while I put the little man to bed or Baby Z will already be sleeping in our room while I put Lil J to bed in our bed {at which point he'll eventually wake Baby Z up and then hubby will have to look after her anyways}.
Yup. Bedtimes are basically a gong show disaster every single night.
And then this happens:
When I look at these {sleeping} faces, I ask myself how I could have been so mad...so frustrated...if only a few minutes ago. It's so calm and serene...
...and it only lasts a minute.
Baby Z is up again,
Lil J eventually starts tossing and turning {and may scream out a few times, hence, waking Baby Z up again} and talking randomly in his sleep.
Daddy G and I look at each other like why the f*@k do we let these kids sleep in our bedroom? Ummm, this is why:
Yes, bedtimes are difficult right now but in a few years we'll be wishing we could relive these moments. We'll be wishing our kids weren't so old and would still want to cuddle with us. Instead of complaining about lost sleep and being frustrated that my kids won't fall asleep, I should be living in this moment - right here, right now. Because I will never get these moments back.
Now I just have to work on getting the kiddos in their own bedrooms...
What kind of excuses do your kids like using to avoid

I say the same thing to myself as I am trying to get my daughter down to sleep! She is 10 1/2 months and when I'm up in the middle of the night I remind myself that soon she'll be texting me where she is rather than me just looking down to see her in my arms.
ReplyDeleteOoooh, but sometimes it's hard ;)
Beautiful sleepy photos!
My girls are almost 5 and 7 and I have to sit in a chair in the hallway between both their rooms until they fall asleep. They're scared of the dark. So, I do most of my blog reading on my ipad during their bedtime every night. I can't wait to wean them off of this ... come summer!