When your hubby hijacks the washroom for an hour and a half {possibly two hours}, you:
- Watch the rest of the latest episode of Real Housewives of Atlanta {which was PVR'd from earlier in the week and then paused...and paused and paused...}.
- Begin to write 1-2 blog posts and then realize that your pictures are on the other computer which is currently being scanned for deathly viruses {and has no intention of stopping until the next century}.
- Surf endlessly {not efficiently} on all social media networks to make sure all bases are covered. Pretty sure every single one is now times 10.
- Look at what people are currently tweeting, refresh and refresh again, and then realize that nobody is really tweeting because it is 12:37am now and they're either {a} asleep, or {b} too drunk to be tweeting {it is Friday night after all}.
- Knock on the bathroom door again and find out hubby is now in the shower and thought that you just needed to take a piss {yes, we only have ONE bathroom}.
- Look at the blank tv screen and contemplate whether or not you should start another PVR'd show {Real Housewives episodes are up-to-date now - is there anything else really worth watching?}.
- Want to scream at your hubby for being such a girl and just get out of the freakin' washroom already but you can't because then you'll wake up the baby. And that is NOT an option.
- Try to think about what else you can add to this list.
- Contemplate whether or not you should have another glass of wine. The answer is YES. It always is.
- Write this post and hope that somewhere in this world, another woman can relate to you. I'm highly doubting this. My hubby is one-of-a-kind {and I'm not sure if it's in a good way at the moment}.
I just need to take a shower, dammit!
What do you do when you're forced to stay up and all you really want to do is get your beauty sleep on?

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